Friday, September 3, 2010

the 5 sec rule

you know how it drop your candy,your piece of cake, or your chicken nugget and 1...2...3..4..5. you rush to pick i up and eat it before no one notices. And to be honest that's how life works when you wanna help ppl out or at least when ppl wanna help me out. 1-Mississppi you ask wants wrong 2- Mississippi you say awww that's to bad and look sympathetic 3-Mississippi your trying to listen to my story of why im so upset by 4-Mississippiyour spewing a bunch of i knos and u dont need that and i hear yous and befor i can get to 5-Mississippi were talking about whats wrong with you.... well its that 5 sec rule what can you do

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

this is wat im missin ...home and im commin back mon yay in time for otakon and intime to see the ppl i love i have some things goin for me like my singing group un restrained has a gig a rehursal and a photo shoot soonand ill be home for all of that so im so excited weeeee
but not all fun and game seeing that i gotta put some ppl in check when i get home...(deep inhale) smell that city air baltimore here i come baby

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Did any of you ever stop to think that maybe o did it because i feel im not cut out for this life but the stop and realize thats only when im around happy at school am happy around friends im only sad when she enters a roomits only her that i feel im not good enough only her that i feel like i wanna throw up the thought of her makes me sick to my stomach ...but she would never understand because she always tries to beat mewith my problems she puts hers in my face and tells me she had it worse with my feelings she asked do i want her show me true hurt or she just blows me off....why cant i just talk to her why does it hurt to be away from her when....shes killin me

Thursday, July 15, 2010

catching up

ok now i just wanna say my life is running away from me and i cant take it anymore tried to numb the effects and ended up in the hospital... so not my finest hour.

i wanna say that im srry to the ppl who feel abandoned and like ive just droped them ...i havent i just wanna be something ...something darkside something something pizza rolls

love you all and hopefully ill stay up to date with my life

Thursday, February 25, 2010


amber and rose are just a few of the colored sparks i see every time i see you walking towards me in my dreams.
i wish it were true at night when i wake up in a cold sweat
that you were here holding me in your arms.

do you know im exploding without you that im cold...shivering in the dark.

my skin burns where you touched me in my dreams

in reality i have to be hurt by watching you love while i laugh always smiling always happy never in comfort


Thursday, February 18, 2010

oh wow....

duuuuuuuude im crushin mad hard on this guy its so stupid hes just all out hot... thats kinda it

life is so dumb i love my freinds even if they all yell at me for running away. im so confused by all the things im suppose to do...i wish ppl would just email me a to do list

other news is just me feeling loved yet horrible my whole bodys sore and my head hurt and saturdays are confusing days that dont come till after friday and im confused cuz im rambling and im sleepy good night

Sunday, February 7, 2010

what flowers have the most petals


oh ppl im over him!!!!! i vow to never pine after another guy again
i want some one to want me not so i can hurt them or any thing but just so i can have some one want me in the beginning confedence is wat i exude if you dont like me idont care !!!! yay new jazzmine in the world wooooo

Friday, February 5, 2010

2010.....hear we go again

THIS OFFICIALLY MAKES IT 5 YEARS!!!!!!! 5 years of me putting up with this crap and 5 years of only getting u to say you want me when i make you scream my name into the darkness of your room to make you feel for an hour wat ive felt for 5 years...........but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!

SO HI PPLS itsa me bunny ^_^ and im doing ok i guess tryin to help my friends and family i feel like im not good enough for the people i care about.....mew but i try to be a happy bunny

another thing i have to work on is my health....i want to be a lil skinnyer i guess

idk man i just feel like the only time im happy is when im single but then i want affection